Daily business planning and finance controlling with BusinessGuard, the cloud based BI, starting at 29,95€/month

BusinessGuard provides the perfect view for your business data, plan & fact analysis, P&L, balance, detailed monthly, weekly, and even daily cash-flow reports, detailed business planning and a lot more.

Sector and business size independent

Sector and business size independent, BusinessGuard enables everyone to create reliable business plans. Convince your bank, your investors, your shareholders with reliable fiscal documents! Our integrated wizard ensures a reliable and detailed business planning.

Thorough planning and transparent controlling

Working with business data is easy with BusinessGuard. Not only that you can create detailed plans, but you can also import fact data and see combined reports, showing the past and the future. Most importantly, all data that is shown inside the various reports  are completely traceable, so you know exactly how each value is composed at any point in time.

Don’t wait another day

Sign up for BusinessGuard today